
I realize this is a huge leap for people to make, especially considering all the prominent messages around meat these days. Be it on our evolutionary physiology or the nutritional content of meat, hopefully with this article, I can clear up some misconceptions about meat.

The knee-jerk reaction



Watch to 20:20


As you can see, “science” can and has been manipulated.



An excellent brief explainer of carnivore in a nutshell.




Watch to 15:07
Watch to 20:13
  • 食肉動物在2-2.5歲時斷奶較快,而黑猩猩在5-7歲時斷奶。這就意味著,由於(食肉動物?)幼崽斷奶後的食物營養密度與牛奶相似,因此與那些以更多纖維食物斷奶的幼崽相比,斷奶時間更早。
  • 我們的胃的酸度更接近食腐動物和食肉動物的酸度。這種酸度水平是為了處理腐肉中常見的微生物,以及幫助消化蛋白質。


From Carnivore code by Dr. Paul Saladino



Watch to 23:02



Vitamin A from animal sources can be readily used by the body; however vitamin A comes in precursor forms from plant sources which require extra steps to convert in the body before it can be used. This reaction is inefficient and some people are not even able to perform the conversion at all.



Watch to 30:46


維生素C被轉化為肉鹼,用於脂肪代謝和能量平衡。肉堿可以從肉類來源中獲得,因此我們也稱之為 “肉”。這樣做可以節省維生素C,而且你不需要像那些不吃大量肉類的人一樣,需要攝入很多的維生素 C。除此以外,葡萄糖會與維生素C競爭,所以只吃動物類的產品也會消除來自葡萄糖的競爭。

Watch to 35:27 (37:04)



Other resources:

CARNIVORE Diet (Beginner’s Guide) All You Need – 2021

Carnivore Diet: Should You Try This? (Your DNA Might Matter)

Paul Saladino, MD on Everything You Thought You Knew About Food Might Be Wrong

Animal Food vs. Plant Food, The Conclusion | Paul Saladino, MD

Dr. Paul Mason – ‘Carnivore Diet & Optimal Health’

Dr. Shawn Baker – ‘Evidence Based Nutrition?’

Carnivore Diet: The Improved Performance Case ft. Dr. Shawn Baker || #95

Carnivory – a cure or a risk? — Diet Doctor Podcast with Amber O’Hearn

The Science behind Human Carnivory – Can Carnivore Cure?? Podcast 23

#183 – Can a carnivore diet provide all essential nutrients?


Why Americans Eat So Much Meat – Cheddar Explains

Balls *and* Brains: The Science and History of Offal


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