Plant based foods have for as long as I remember had a halo effect. We were always told that it is the healthiest type of food. To which I asked early on “why?” Eventually it was beaten into me enough times that I just believed it at face value. As I got older, I learned it was because we “needed” fiber and that vegetables and fruits had vital nutrients. Imagine the surprise I felt upon discovering that fiber was not indeed “essential”, rather it only made GI symptoms worse and that the vitamins found in plants are not readily bioavailable, meaning we are hardly able to absorb them. But, beyond that, plants have even more noxious tricks up their sleeves that actively harm us.
Lectins are compounds that plants use as a defense mechanism being as they immobile organisms vulnerable to whichever herbivore or pests that set its sights on them. Since plants can’t just run away or fight back, they have to result to using chemical warfare. These proteins bind to sugars, primarily to deter growth fungi and insects. However, our own cells also have sugars that lectins bind to which can then result in a myriad of symptoms.
Watch to 24:48Leaky gut opens the doors for a whole host of other autoimmune diseases due to compromised barrier between our bodies to the external environment in the gut.
Protease inhibitors
These plant compounds interfere with the function of proteases. Proteases break down protein in the gut so that it can be absorbed. With this function compromised, an affected organism won’t be able to absorb the proper amount of protein.
Watch to 11:25
When these compounds are struck by light, they cause a reaction that leads to skin sloughing off as if it was burned from the inside.
Watch 28:26
Hormone Disrupters
There are compounds found in plants that closely resemble hormone signaling molecules. If consumed on a consistent basis or without proper treatment, hormone balance can be thrown off leading to negative health consequences.
Phytoestrogens in soy
Genistein found in soy is structurally similar the estrogen hormone
Watch to 36:07
These are molecules commonly found in plants that easily form crystals. These crystal formations in plants are normal, but when found in human cells it is pathologic. Oxalate kidney stones make up 80% of the cases today, 70 years ago only 30% were. Even though kidney stones are the most prominent example of this problematic compound, oxalates accumulate in body tissues and will interfere with normal cell activities in an insidious fashion.
If you must eat greens, then consider these. Otherwise, with oxalate containing vegetables, do not eat them year round, instead eat them in a “season”.
Phytotoxins are plant compounds made for chemical defense. When ingested, negative health effects can manifest in nutrient deficiencies or autoimmune diseases. Some peoples’ bodies are well equipped to handle these plant toxins, so they are able to tolerate them and are relatively unaffected. However, even if you might not notice any acute toxic effects, a chronic low level exposure to these toxins can hinder your health in subtle ways or eventually produce symptoms. If you are experiencing some unexplained health symptoms, you might want to reconsider some plant foods and remove them from your diet at least temporarily to see if that might resolve the issue.